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Name - Jack Irish


Location - Edinburgh, Scotland 


Fishroom location - Outside in the rear Garden, a large wooden building. (2016)


Speciality - Generalist, Jacks fish-room contains everything from Livebearers to Cichlids and everything in between! 


Notes - Jack and i first met around 6-7 years ago at a Preston and District aquarist society Convention, mutual friends introduced us and since then we have met yearly at various events here in the Northwest, Jack is part of the 'Scottish lot' that support Preston by travelling a great distance to attend our Conventions and even the occasional monthly meeting! Jack is (Or was in 2016) the Chairman of his local aquarist society (West Lothian aquarist society) we had spoken for a couple of years about me visiting Scotland to give a talk to the club and this came to fruition in 2016 when i was invited to speak to the members about my work at Chester Zoo aquarium. I traveled to Scotland with my good friends and regular attendees in Scotland, John and Liz Dean and Ray Blackburn, we were lucky and were treated to superb weather and a mini heatwave during our stay.

 We stayed with my friend Harry Shields and traveled to meet Jack at his house where we were served a lovely lunch by Jacks  wife Myra. After refreshments we were able to have a look at Jacks Fish-house and fish collection! WOW! Jack is a top fish judge and has been in the hobby for decades, he started keeping fish before i was born and is an excellent aquarist, he breeds a lot of fish and is very active in the club scene. 
 Jack is a bit of a generalist and there was a wide selection of fish to view, from Rainbowfish to Livebearers and Corydoras to cichlids there was a lot going on and lots to take in! The fishroom itself was excellent, well laid out, neat and tidy, i always take something from every fishroom i visit and Jacks room gave me many ideas for the future. (11).jpg (3).jpg (13).jpg (12).jpg (6).jpg (8).jpg (7).jpg (1).jpg (9).jpg (10).jpg (5).jpg (2).jpg (15).jpg (4).jpg (16).jpg
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